School profile

The predecessor of the Beijing Institute of Technology was born in 1940 in Yan 'an, the Academy of Natural Sciences, is the Communist Party of China...

School profile

  The predecessor of the Beijing Institute of Technology was the Academy of Natural Sciences, which was born in Yan 'an in 1940. It was the first specialized institution to carry out natural science teaching and research in the history of the Communist Party of China。毛泽东同志亲自题写校名,无产阶级革命家李富春,无产阶级革命家、教育家徐特立,无产阶级革命家、无线电专家、经济专家李强等先后担任学校主要领导。In 1949, the school moved to Beijing.In 1952, it was named Beijing Institute of Technology and became the first national defense industrial college in New China.In 1988, it was renamed Beijing Institute of Technology。It is the first university of science and engineering founded by the Communist Party of China, A key university in the national calendar since the founding of New China, the first group to enter the national "211 project" and "985 project", the first group to enter the "World Class University" construction of universities, and now belongs to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology。